BP101WX1-206 10.1寸TFT LCD 液晶显示屏 1280*800带电容触摸
1.54寸TFT液晶模块LCD IPS型 RGB 240*240可带TP触摸 显示屏模组
5 inch 720*1280 TFT LCD module display with IPS screen and MIPI interface panel screen displays
1.54 inch small lcd screen 100% new IPS TFT 240*240 resolution SPI Interface for smartwatch
AML-CPT-7G-50PI 7寸TFT LCD 1024*600 液晶显示屏 IPS可定制加模
AML7S150B-E 7寸TFT LCD 1024*600 RGB 液晶显示屏 IPS可定制加模
6.0 inch 720*1280 resolution new TFT LCD screen with IPS Viewing angle and MIPI interface
Wholesale 5 inch 480*854 ips ILI9806E-2C tft lcd display with ctp touch panel
AML080WQ65 8寸TFT LCD 液晶显示屏 800*1280 MIPI IPS可定制加模
BP101WX1-206 10.1寸TFT LCD 液晶显示屏 1280*800 LVDS可定制TN
AML130A2413 1.3寸TFT LCD 240*240 MCU 液晶显示屏 IPS定制开模