5.5寸AMOLED MIPI接口 720X1280 驱动:SH1386 (OLED) 液晶显示屏
1.77 inch tft lcd module 128*160 TFT LCD display with ST7735S driver IC very small lcd screen
4.0 inch 480*800 with ILI9806G driver IC MCU interface TFT LCD touch screen display panel
FRD80050LY64 8寸TFT LCD 液晶显示屏 TN 800*480 RGB 可定制加模
2.4 inch 240*320 TN 4SPI TFT LCD touch screen display with ILI9341V driver IC module 2.4 inch touchs
FRD20024N 2寸TFT LCD 176*220 液晶显示屏 MCU定制开模厂家直销
55大尺寸液晶显示屏1920 * 1080分辨率4000超高亮度LVDS接口IPS屏
Cheapest 1.22 inch 240*240 4-SPI TFT lcd screen display with ST7789V Driving IC
3.2寸TFT LCD TN屏 240*320 SPI接口 驱动:HX8347I 液晶显示屏