1.3寸TFT LCD 240*240 液晶显示屏 IPS定制开模SPI
4 inch 480*800 IPS MIPI tft lcd with preferential price Free viewing display
Brand new 1.54 inch 240*240 TN TFT LCD screen SPI interface
FRD397BP4511 4寸TFT lcd 液晶显示屏 480*800 RGB IPS 电容触摸
Hot sale 0.91 inch 128*32 OLED lcd display with spi interface oled
CTP 5 inch 800*480 TFT LCD display with capacitive touch panel
工厂直销 0.96寸TFT LCD 80*160 TN 液晶显示屏 SPI可定制开模IPS
厂家直销 1.3寸 tft lcd 数码手表屏 液晶显示屏 IPS可定制开模
1.5 inch 128*128 small SPI interface OLED display Passive Matrix with SSD1351 driver IC
8 inch 800*480 TFT LCD module display screen with CTP touch panel
4.3寸TFT 480*272分辨率 驱动型号:ST7282 RGB接口 液晶显示屏 电容触摸