4.3寸TFT LCD 480*272 液晶显示屏 可带电容触摸 支持树莓派
Brand new 8.0 inch high resolution 800*1280 IPS TFT LCD with MIPI interface
7 inch tft lcd 800x1280 with mipi 7 inch display mobile phone lcds lcd display
1.3寸圆型 TFT LCD 液晶显示屏 240X240 驱动:ST7789V 带电容触摸
1.3 inch 240*240 IPS ST7789V driver IC round tft lcd display with touch screen and MCU interface
3.5 inch tft lcd panel 320xx480 TFT LCD module screen with ILI9488 driver IC display and 6 O'clock v
4 inch 480*800 TFT LCD Module with MCU interface and ILI9806G driver IC
2.4寸TFT LCD 液晶显示屏 240*320 驱动:ST7789V 带电容触摸 IPS
10.1寸TFT屏 10.1寸数码屏 10.1寸液晶屏 显示屏 横屏 可定制加模
HDMI to MIPI interface lcd driver board for 5.5 inch 1080*1920 tft lcd display