5.5寸MIPI电容触摸TFT液晶显示屏 1440*2560支持树莓派2K高清LCD
FRD400B25014 4寸TFT lcd 液晶显示屏 IPS 480*800 带电容触摸
2.8 inch 240*320 new TFT LCD screen with MCU interface
3.5寸TFT LCD屏 TN型 320*480 MCU接口 驱动:ILI9488 液晶显示屏
2.4 inch 240*320 tft lcd display with MCU interface panel and IPS Viewing Angle screen
small lithtweight 3.0 inch 960x240 tn tft lcd display 6 O'clock 8bit RGB interface Display Module
32寸液晶显示模组1920 * 1080分辨率4000超大亮度LVDS接口IPS屏
CTP 5 inch 800*480 TFT LCD display with capacitive touch panel
AML78540B-A1 7寸TFT LCD 1024*600 LVDS 液晶显示屏 可定制开模
18.5寸TFT液晶模块1366*768分辨率 LVDS接口IPS全视角液晶显示屏
AML130H24002 1.3寸TFT LCD 240*240 液晶显示屏 IPS定制开模SPI