2.4寸TFT LCD 液晶显示屏 240*320 驱动:ST7789V 可带电容触摸 IPS
1.54 inch small lcd screen 100% new IPS TFT 240*240 resolution SPI Interface for smartwatch
1.5寸 小OLED液晶显示屏 128*128 全彩 SPI接口 IC型号:SSD1351
8寸TFT LCD屏 800*1280 MIPI 亮度250 可加TP触摸 IPS液晶显示屏
Cheapest 1.22 inch 240*240 4-SPI TFT lcd screen display with ST7789V Driving IC
1.1寸OLED 128*36分辨率 浅蓝色 IC型号:SSD1305 小液晶显示屏
3.5寸屏TFT LCD320X480分辨 MCU接口 可带TP触摸屏 IPS液晶显示屏
AML600A3000 6寸TFT LCD 720X1280 MIPI 液晶显示屏 IPS定制加模
1.3 inch 240*240 IPS circular tft lcd touch screen panel with MCU interface and ST7789V driver IC
4寸TFT lcd屏 480*800分辨率 RGB接口 可带TP触摸 IPS液晶显示屏