10.1寸TFT屏 LCD型 1024*600分辨率 LVDS接口 液晶显示屏
5 inch 1080*1920 HD TFT LCD with IPS screen and MIPI interface high definition 1080p panel display
1.54寸屏 TFT LCD 240*240 SPI接口 可带触摸 IPS 液晶显示屏
0.66寸显示屏 OLED 64*48 浅蓝色 MCU IC型号:SSD1306 液晶屏
Brand new 1.54 inch 240*240 TN TFT LCD screen SPI interface
10.1寸MIPI电容触摸LCD液晶模块 1280*800 MIPI支持树莓派显示屏
5.5 inch tft lcd display 1440*2560 High Quality lcd screen super clear LCD module
3D全息广告机 LED全息投影风扇支持WIFI手机APP更新数据 厂家直销
On sale HDMI to MIPI lcd driver board for 5.5 inch 1440*2560 tft lcd display and with 3D printer Sha