1.3寸 AMOLED 液晶显示屏 128*64 MCU OLED 段码屏
1.54 inch 240*240 square ips tft lcd display with touch panel and mcu interface
AML-FRD280A4001A 2.8寸TFT TN 液晶显示屏 240*320 带电容触摸
2寸TFT LCD TN型 176*220 MCU 亮度250 可带TP触摸 液晶显示屏
2.4 inch 240*320 tft lcd display with MCU interface panel and IPS Viewing Angle screen
AML78540B-A1 7寸TFT LCD 1024*600 LVDS 液晶显示屏 可定制开模
Lightweight 1.54 inch 240*240 IPS TFT lcd display with touch screen and1.54 tft lcd capacitive touch
UG-2864KSWLG01 1.3寸 AMOLED 液晶显示屏 128*64 MCU OLED可定制
5.5 inch tft lcd display 1440*2560 High Quality lcd screen super clear LCD module
3.5 inch 320*480 TFT LCD tablet display panel with ILI9488 driver IC