3.5寸TFT TN型 320*480亮度300 MIPI接口 可带TP触摸 液晶显示屏
1.54寸TFT IPS型 MCU 240*240 亮度250 可带TP触摸屏 液晶显示屏
AML080WQ65 8寸TFT LCD 液晶显示屏 800*1280 MIPI IPS可定制加模
Sunlight readable 10.1 inch 1280*800 IPS TFT LCD 1280x800 10.1 touch screen panel with LVDS interfac
1.54 inch 240*240 small IPS TFT lcd module with touch panel
8寸TFT LCD屏 800*1280分辨率 LVDS接口可加TP触摸 IPS液晶显示屏
8 inch 800x1280 high resolutionMIPI IPS TFT LCD screen with touch panel
10.1 inch 800*1280 high resolution MIPI IPS tft lcd display with preferential price
厂家直销 2.4寸TFT LCD 240*320 液晶显示屏 SPI带电容触摸可定制
厂家直销 1.3寸TFT LCD 240*240 液晶显示屏 SPI可带触摸IPS手表