Sunlight readable 3.5 inch 320*480 full Viewing Angle TFT LCD display screen with MIPI interface and
2.4 inch 240*320 TN 4SPI TFT LCD touch screen display with ILI9341V driver IC module 2.4 inch touchs
2 inch 320*240 resolution High brightness TFT LCD display with RGB Interface
0.66寸显示屏 OLED 64*48 浅蓝色 MCU IC型号:SSD1306 液晶屏
7 inch lcd 1024x600 with TFT display panel module with CTP lcd
7 inch 1024*600 LVDS TFT lcd display with capacitive touch screen panel and EK79001AF driver IC 7 tf
2.7寸TFT LCD 960*240 亮度300 MCU接口 驱动:ILI8961 液晶显示屏
3.5寸屏TFT LCD320X480分辨 MCU接口 可带TP触摸屏 IPS液晶显示屏
3.5 inch TFT LCD 320*480 IPS TFT LCD display with RGB-18BIT interface and HX8357D IC