1.3寸TFT LCD 液晶显示屏 圆型 240*240 驱动:ST7789V 带电容触摸
FRD350C2501 3.5寸TFT LCD 320*480 液晶显示屏 MIPI接口亮度300
5 inch hd 1080*1920 TFT LCD 1080p panel display with IPS screen and MIPI interface
AMLT10850B 10.1寸TFT LCD TN 液晶显示屏 1024*600 可定制 RGB
Brand new small size 0.96 inch 80*160 4-SPI IPS tft lcd panel 0.96inch smart band tft display
FRD397BP4511 4寸TFT lcd 液晶显示屏 480*800 RGB IPS 电容触摸
8寸TFT LCD屏 800*1280分辨率 LVDS接口可加TP触摸 IPS液晶显示屏
2.8 inch 240*320 color TFT LCD screen display ili9341 IC
5.5 inch OLED 720*1280 lcd screen with MIPI interface display
7 inch lcd 1024x600 with TFT display panel module with CTP lcd