2.7寸TFT LCD 960*240 亮度300 MCU接口 驱动:ILI8961 液晶显示屏
Brand new 1.54 inch 320*320 IPS tft lcd display with Capacitive touch panel
FRD280A4004 2.8寸TFT LCD TN 240*320 液晶显示屏 RGB可定制开模
FRD20024N 2寸TFT LCD 176*220 液晶显示屏 MCU定制开模厂家直销
Normally Black 4.0 inch 800*480 3SPI-24bit RGB IPS TFT LCD display Module screen with RTP
High quality 3.5 inch 320*480 IPS TFT LCD touch screen with RGB-18BIT interface display panel
2.4寸TFT LCD屏 IPS型 240*320 可带触摸屏 MCU接口 液晶显示屏
High resolution 5 inch 1080*1920 TFT LCD display module with IPS screen and MIPI interface
5.5寸TFT带电容触摸LCD液晶显示屏 1080*1920可定制IPS支持树莓派
5.5寸TFT屏 IPS 1080*1920 亮度350 MIPI 可带TP触摸 液晶显示屏
数码显微测量仪 便携式自动对焦显微镜 科研教学实验智能硬件器材