1.54 inch 240*240 small IPS TFT lcd module with touch panel
7寸 TFT LCD 液晶显示屏 1024*600分辨率 MIPI接口
1.3 inch touch panel square display 240x240 small touch screen monitor SPI Interface
5.5寸TFT带电容触摸LCD液晶显示屏 1080*1920可定制IPS支持树莓派
5.0 inch 480*854 with mipi ILI9806E-2C tft lcd panel with MIPI interface lcd module tft screen
2.4寸TFT液晶模块LCD显示屏模组 240*320 SPI可定制加触摸LCM屏幕
5寸TFT屏 480*854 MCU 驱动:ILI9806X 可带TP触摸 IPS液晶显示屏
5.5寸TFT屏 IPS 1080*1920 亮度300 MIPI 可带TP触摸 液晶显示屏
Wholesale small size 3 inch lcd display screen new product with great discount with 240*400