7寸TFT LCD IPS屏 1200*1920 MIPI 驱动:R69429 液晶显示屏模块
4.5 inch 480*854 IPS MIPI Industrial screen tft lcd module with touch panel
2.8 inch 240*320 new TFT LCD screen with MCU interface
4.3 inch 480*272 tft lcd module with Capacitive touch screen
10.1寸TFT LCD 液晶显示屏1280*800 MIPI接口IPS支持树莓派可定制
Factory price small tft lcd display 3.5 inch tft lcd video module with CTP touch panel
On sale HDMI to MIPI lcd driver board for 5.5 inch 1440*2560 tft lcd display and with 3D printer Sha
1.54寸TFT液晶触摸屏 LCD IPS型 RGB 240*240电容触摸 显示屏模组
1.54寸TFT液晶模块LCD IPS型 RGB 240*240可带TP触摸 显示屏模组
FHD test board T-800 test box MCU+RGB+MIPI+LVDS display box