5寸TFT IPS型 480*854分辨率 MIPI接口 可加TP触摸屏 液晶显示屏
工厂直销 3.5寸TFT LCD 320X480 RGB 液晶显示屏 IPS可带触摸加模
2.8寸TFT IPS型 液晶显示屏 240*320分辩率 RGB接口 可带TP触摸屏
2.4 inch 240*320 MCU interface TFT LCD display touch screen panel with ILI9341V driver IC
HDMI讯号转MIPI讯号的板卡 支持4通道MIPI 1920×1200分辩率以内
树莓派厂家直销 3.5寸TFT LCD 320X480 液晶显示屏 IPS带电容触摸
2.0 inch 960*240 TFT LCD screen ILI9342C IC
5 inch 1080*1920 HD TFT LCD with IPS screen and MIPI interface high definition 1080p panel display
small lithtweight 3.0 inch 960x240 tn tft lcd display 6 O'clock 8bit RGB interface Display Module
2.0 inch Sunlight Readable 240*320 RGB tft lcd display with all Viewing angle